Owning a home is the American Dream. It’s a great way to create wealth and pass it on to your family, build a nest egg for college or retirement, and protect against life’s setbacks. It starts with being smart about money. What you can afford depends on your income, credit rating, current monthly expenses, down payment and the interest rate.
Affordable FHA Loans
To determine how much you can afford, you first need to know your monthly income. Second, you will need to calculate your monthly expenses which may include credit card bills, car payments, insurance premiums, and all other debts. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) “Determining What You Can Afford Worksheet" will help you calculate your income and expenses to help determine what you can afford. HUD wants all Americans to manage their money and have the option of preparing for homeownership.
Get Organized
Set a goal to save a certain amount of money each month and stick to it. Set money goals and develop a plan to reach them. Decide what’s important to spend, then save the rest for a rainy day. This is how you can build a nest egg for a down payment on a home.
Watch Spending and Savings
Prioritize your family’s spending needs so that saving becomes second nature. Putting a little money aside every month takes hard work and requires someone to make difficult choices. But the rewards can be great. Learn about the power of compound interest. Teach your children that a few hundred dollars invested now can turn into thousands of dollars over time.
Be Prepared to Negotiate
Communicate early and often with companies or banks you owe money to so you can work out problems before they grow larger. Many consumers, including homeowners, feel trapped by debt. But there may be other options. Contact the people you owe. They may be willing to work with you to develop new payment plans. It will show that you are serious and smart about money.
Elevate Your Credit Score
Know your credit score and what it means to banks and lenders. The importance of good credit is a fact of life. Banks, lenders, and credit card companies decide whether to lend you money and what interest rates you will pay based on your credit score. Be prepared to examine past choices and, if necessary, to change your money habits. Decisions you make today will impact your future options.
Read and Understand the Fine Print
Know your rights. Homebuyers should understand their mortgage contract and be on the look-out for scam artists and predatory lenders. Consider all the options, educate yourself, and be informed before you sign on the dotted line. Consumers have more ways than ever to buy a home. A HUD-approved housing counselor (1-800-569-4287) can help.

FHA Loan Articles
February 12, 2024When you are approved for an FHA One-Time Close Construction loan, you get a single loan that pays for both the costs to build the house, and serves as the mortgage. One application, one approval process, and one closing date.
November 22, 2023In the last days of November 2023, mortgage loan rates flirted with the 8% range but have since backed away, showing small but continued improvement. What does this mean for house hunters considering their options to become homeowners soon?
November 4, 2023In May 2023, USA Today published some facts and figures about the state of the housing market in America. If you are weighing your options for an FHA mortgage and trying to decide if it’s cheaper to buy or rent, your zip code may have a lot to do with the answers you get.